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Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Nightwing in the trailer of Batman Dark Knight 4

Fans of the work of Christopher Nolan made a trailer for Batman Dark Knight 4 in which Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Nightwing.

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Fans of the work of Christopher Nolan made a trailer for Batman Dark Knight 4 in which Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Nightwing.

At the release of The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, Joseph Gordon-Levitt played John Blake, a policeman from Gotham City, who is told at the end of the film that his first name is Robin before he discovers the entrance Batcave. An end that leaves the viewer on its end and opened the possibility of a sequel. But alas, this was not the case and the owners of the channel Youtube Stryder HD decided to make a trailer of the continuation of the film.

Combining different trailers of Christopher Nolan's Batman films but also other films, we can witness the birth of Robin and Edward Nigma played by Casey Affleck while Christian Bale resumes his role as Batman alongside Anne Hataway who played Catwoman/Selina Kyle.

And although this Mashup is unfortunately not a real movie, the return of Christopher Nolan in the DC universe would be a great addition for Warner who struggles to find a good pretender for his future films as proves the micmac which is currently taking place around of The Batman project.

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