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Fallout 4: A mods makes it possible to change considerably the atmosphere of the game

Thanks to two developers, it is now possible to literally and dramatically change the atmosphere of the Fallout 4 game by making it become a nightmare!

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Thanks to two developers, it is now possible to literally and dramatically change the atmosphere of the Fallout 4 game by making it become a nightmare!

Since Fallout 4 is released, many mods allow to rediscover the game by making it funny, easier, more difficult and now more scary. Thanks to two developers, the French 100ping and the American TreyM, it is possible to modify the atmosphere of the game Fallout 4 a little colorful giving it an oppressive atmosphere to the music scary.

With the mods Pilgrim Dread the Commonwealth, farewell sunny deserts and epic music, place to horror and tension. By changing the grain of the image and giving gray tones to the image that we were used to seeing in the Commonwealth and with the addition of new music, the Fallout 4 game moves towards an atmosphere which would have nothing to envy the Silent Hill flagship games.

An insignificant inspiration

To find inspiration, 100ping and TreyM did not tap directly into the Konami game library but more into a horror movie catalog since the two developers were inspired by the movie The Witch which was remarkable because of its atmosphere and its ubiquitous tension.

And thanks to the success of this mods following the many returns they have had, the two developers have announced that they will continue to work on it enriching so much more a mods already much better than one could find. At least on console.

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